Homily on Paper 154:0.1-3

Reading for April 30: BT 154:0.1-3

The events of that fateful Saturday night in Tiberias serve as a reminder of the constant opposition and persecution that Yeshua and His followers faced during their ministry on earth. As Yeshua was speaking words of comfort and courage to His disciples, a council was being held between Herod Antipas and a group of scribes and Pharisees, who were urging Herod to arrest Yeshua. They accused Him of stirring up the populace to dissension and even to rebellion, but Herod refused to take action against Him as a political offender.

One of Herod’s officials, Chuza, had informed him that Yeshua was not interested in meddling with the affairs of earthly rule, but rather was focused on establishing the spiritual brotherhood of believers, which He symbolically called the kingdom of heaven. Herod had confidence in Chuza’s reports and refused to interfere with Yeshua’s activities. However, Herod was also influenced by his superstitious fear of John the Baptizer, whom he had put to death. He feared becoming entangled in intrigues against Yeshua, and so he regarded Him as either a prophet or a relatively harmless religious fanatic.

Despite the opposition they faced, Yeshua and the disciples continued to spread the message of the kingdom of heaven. They knew that their time was short, and so they prepared for the impending dispersion.

Today, we are reminded that just as Yeshua and His followers faced opposition and persecution, we too will encounter challenges and obstacles in our journey of faith. But like them, we must remain steadfast in our commitment to spreading the message of love and compassion, and to living lives that reflect the values of the kingdom of heaven.

Let us take courage from the example of Yeshua and his followers of the early church, and let us continue to spread the message of the kingdom of heaven, even in the face of opposition and adversity. May we be inspired by their faith and their unwavering commitment to the truth, and may we too be counted among the faithful followers of Yeshua the Son of Man.
