In today’s reading we find an inspired narrative that bridges the seen and unseen, the physical and spiritual, inviting us to reflect on the eternal truths of resurrection, transformation, and the universal mission of the Messiah.
Our reading begins by describing Yeshua’s resurrected form as a morontia body, a state that mirrors the ascendant experience of mortals traversing the mansion worlds of the universe. This transitionary state, neither purely material nor entirely spiritual, embodies the bridge between temporal existence and eternal destiny. Yeshua, through his resurrection, not only proclaims victory over death but also illuminates the path for all who believe in him.
This morontia existence demonstrates a deeper spiritual truth and reality—resurrection is not necessarily a return to life as it was but a progression into a higher form of existence. For Yeshua, his morontia appearances served as a testimony to his disciples—and to all humanity—that eternal life is a reality for those who place their faith in him. As the Book asserts, “All this power which is inherent in Yeshua…is the very gift of eternal life which he bestows upon kingdom believers.”
Yeshua’s post-resurrection appearances were not illusions or mere spiritual visions but real encounters. His morontia body, though free from the limitations of mortal flesh, was discernible to his followers. This reality affirms that resurrection is a concrete promise for believers. We too, as the Book teaches, will one day rise in similar morontia forms, transcending the physical limitations of this world while remaining recognisably ourselves.
The early believers, such as Mary Magdalene and the apostles, initially struggled to comprehend this new reality. Yet through their encounters with the risen Yeshua, their doubts gave way to unshakeable faith. This faith became the cornerstone of the gospel message proclaimed throughout Jerusalem, Antioch, Alexandria, and beyond.
The reading pays special attention to Mary Magdalene, whose special love and unwavering devotion placed her at the forefront of witnessing and proclaiming the resurrection. Her encounter with Yeshua at the empty tomb reveals the depth of her faith and her role as a herald of the risen Messiah. Mary’s boldness in speaking to what she first believed to be a caretaker demonstrates that love and devotion can momentarily transcend societal conventions.
Her experience challenges us to embody a similar devotion and courage in our walk with the Universal Father. Just as Mary became a vessel for the proclamation of the resurrection, so too are we called to share the transformational power of Yeshua’s victory over death with a world yearning for hope.
David Zebedee’s decisive actions in sending messengers to proclaim the resurrection highlight the role of lay believers in spreading the good news. While the apostles hesitated in doubt and fear, these faithful messengers boldly carried the truth to the far corners of their world. Their mission underscores the principle that the proclamation of the kingdom is not reserved for the few but is the responsibility of all who believe.
Yeshua’s resurrection appearances to his earthly family and close followers, including his brother James, reflect his deep love and desire to strengthen their faith. The moment when James recognised Yeshua as both “Father and brother” reveals the intimate relationship we are invited to share with the risen Lord. Through the resurrection, Yeshua extends the fellowship of the Spirit of Truth, calling us to live as children of the kingdom, united in purpose and love. Additionally, Yeshua’s restraint in appearing only to those who could make spiritual use of his manifestation teaches us that the mysteries of the Universal Father are revealed to the faithful. His appearances serve as a source of strength for those open to the truth.
The resurrection of Yeshua was more than an event; it is a divine assurance of life eternal and a call to authentic spiritual living. The morontia appearances reveal the continuity of life, the triumph of faith, and the universal reach of Yeshua’s mission. As we reflect on today’s reading, may each of us be inspired to live boldly in the light of the resurrection, proclaiming with Mary, David, and the apostles: He is risen indeed!
May the Universal Father strengthen us in faith and empower us to be heralds of this eternal truth.
— Brother Chaim (21 December 2024)