Does God Care About Us?

One of the most oft asked questions that has occupied the minds of humanity throughout the ages is whether God, the Creator of the universe, genuinely cares about the individual human beings who inhabit this vast cosmos. It is a question that touches the core of our existence, prompting us to ponder the nature of divinity and our place within creation.

In seeking answers to this inquiry, we turn to the teachings of the Urantia Book. The Urantia Book, also called the Book of Truth, offers us remarkable insights into the nature of God and His relationship with His creatures. According to the Book, the concept of God as a caring and loving Father is central to understanding the divine nature. The Book portrays God as a benevolent and compassionate Being who is intimately involved in the lives of His children. We read of God’s infinite love and concern for each individual soul: Truly of the human race has it been said, You are of God because he who dwells in love dwells in God, and God in him. This verse shows the inseparable bond between God and His creation, affirming that His love permeates every aspect of existence.

The Book of Truth teaches that God is not distant or indifferent to the struggles and challenges faced by humanity. On the contrary, He is deeply involved in the affairs of the world, actively working to uplift and guide His children towards spiritual growth and enlightenment. As the book states, “”God knows all things. The divine mind is conscious of, and conversant with, the thought of all creation. His knowledge of events is universal and perfect. ” (3:3.1)

The Book of Truth places great emphasises on the importance of prayer as a means of communication with God. It teaches that prayer is a powerful tool through which individuals can establish a personal relationship with God, seeking His guidance, comfort, and support in times of need. In the words of the book, “Prayer is not a technique of escape from conflict but rather a stimulus to growth in the very face of conflict. Pray only for values, not things; for growth, not for gratification.” (91:8.13)

In contemplating the question of whether God cares about us, it is essential for us to recognise that the concept of divine care extends beyond mere material concerns. While God certainly provides for our physical needs, His primary concern is our spiritual well-being. The Urantia Book teaches that God desires nothing less than our eternal happiness and spiritual fulfilment, guiding us along the path of righteousness and truth.

The teachings of the Book affirm that God does indeed care about us in the most profound and intimate manner imaginable. His love is unconditional, His wisdom infinite, and His presence ever-attentive to the needs of His children. As we journey through the vicissitudes of life, we can take solace in the knowledge that we are never alone, for God’s loving embrace surrounds us always, guiding us towards the ultimate destination of divine perfection.

The Urantia Book beautifully proclaims to us that God is our Father, the eternal Father of all personalities. The Infinite Spirit is our ever-present and all-wise adviser. The eternal Son is a mercy-filled minister, a compassionate friend, and the divine guide of the wayward and uncertain souls of time. In light of these truths, we can rest assured that we are cherished and beloved children of a caring and compassionate Creator.
