Serving Others

“…minister to all who may be sick in either mind or body. Freely you have received of the good things of the kingdom; freely give.” (Urantia Book 163:1.4)

“Heal the sick… freely you received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:8)

” Pure and undefiled religion before our God and Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.” (James 1:27)

“Minister to all…” We should care for and help anyone who is facing physical or mental illness. It’s about showing love and support to those who are suffering, just as Yeshua did during his time on Earth.

“freely give…” Yeshua teaches us that the blessings and love we have received from the Universal Father should be shared with others without expecting anything in return. It’s like a gift that we pass on to those who are in need.

“Heal the sick…” This is a direct command from Yeshua in the Gospel of Matthew. Not only are we to care for the sick but we should actively try to heal them with your love, compassion, and, when possible, our actions.

“Pure and undefiled religion…” James, the brother of Yeshua, is telling us about practicing our faith in a pure and genuine way. It means that Kingdom Believers are to take care of those who are most vulnerable in society, like orphans and widows, who often have no one else to rely on. At the same time, he is telling us to live a life that is not tainted by the negative influences of the world.
