Festivals and Other Observances Celebrated by the Church
- Rosh Hashana 5784 (2 October 2024)
- Yom Kippur (11 October 2024)
- Sukkot (16 September 2024)
- Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah (23-25 October 2024)
- Chanukah (25 December 2024 – 2 January 2025)
- Shevat (13 February 2025)
- Passover (12-20 April 2024)
- Yom HaShoah (23-24 April 2024)
- Yom HaZikaron (29-30 April 2025)
- Second Passover (12 May 2025)
- Shavuot (1-3 June 2025)
- Rosh Hashana (22-24 September 2025)
- Yom Kippur (1-2 October 2025)
- Sukkot (6-13 October 2025)
- Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah (13-15 October 2025)
- Chanukah (14-22 December 2025)
Other Observances (fixed dates)
- Death of John the Baptizer (10 January)
- Ordination of the Twelve (12 January)
- Baptism of Yeshua (14 January)
- Birth of John the Baptizer (25 March)
- Feeding of the Five Thousand (27 March)
- Memorial Supper (6 April)
- Death of Zacharias (1 July)
- Death of Elizabeth (17 August)
- Birth of Yeshua (21 August)
- Death of Joseph (25 September)
- Ordination of the Seventy (19 November)
- Death of Abner (21 November)
- Birth of Asoka (3 December)
We observe a seventh day Sabbath (Friday evening through Saturday night) and a mid-week Sabbath on Wednesday. On Wednesdays we fast from diary products, and on Fridays we fast from meat products.